What is the purpose of this club?
If you want changes in your body for the better, improved well-being and progress in your yoga practice, the Yoga Club is definitely what you need. .
With every day step by step practice your body will come to life, your body strength will increase, tension will go away, you will have more energy, and your quality of life will improve.
Who is this club for?
This club is suitable for everyone: from beginners to more advanced students. This club will be useful and interesting for those who want to improve their practice, as well as for those who want to get rid of pain (back, shoulders, neck, etc.).
You can choose between a short video classes(15min-30min) or long (45 min- 1hour). Practicing regularly will help you stay physically fit, mentally balanced, spiritually connected and emotionally strong. Video classes are a simple, accessible, and affordable practice that can be done almost anywhere.
Online meetings and supporting chat in WhatsApp with me will challenge you and motivate you to progress in yoga.
What to expect?
- recorded videos with exercises (different length from 15min to 75 min)
Deep stretch
Joint mobility exercises
Strengthening exercises
Flow classes
Back traction
Meditation & Relaxation
Breathing technique etc
- online scheduled meeting (once- twice a month)
- WhatsApp chat where you can ask questions, and all updates and online meetings will be announced
NEW Monthly Classes
NEW Monthly Classes


Strength and Mobility

Yoga for Strong and Flexible Spine

Hips mobility and stabilization


Yoga For Good Posture

Relaxation and Meditaion

Flow Yoga Classes

Yoga For Women's Health

Breathing Techniques (Pranayama)


45min - 1 hour Yoga Classes

Strengthening Classes

Hip Mobility and Stretch

Healthy Back - Therapy Classes

Restorative Yoga Classes

Live Recorded Zoom Classes